Trading Strategy

1. Draw a trend line: daily chart to determine the trend whether is uptrend or downtrend (Draw from bottom to bottom or vice verse) and also a horizontal line to watch out a breakout(This strategy like reflexivity from George Soros).
2. Please do remember to lock your PROFIT before you get lose. Always follow the rule & discipline.
3. Money management is the most important for double or triple up your profit.
4. Don't get lost emotion while you in losing or winning. Must always remember where are you and what should you do in this situation. Let the profit keep running or cut lost.

Forex Chart

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is Fundamental Analysis

What is Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is the process of looking at a business at the basic or fundamental financial level. This type of analysis examines key ratios of a business to determine its financial health and gives you an idea of the value its stock.

Many investors use fundamental analysis alone or in combination with other tools to evaluate stocks for investment purposes. The goal is to determine the current worth and, more importantly, how the market values the stock.

It’s all about earnings. When you come to the bottom line, that’s what investors want to know. How much money is the company making and how much is it going to make in the future.

Earnings are profits. It may be complicated to calculate, but that’s what buying a company is about. Increasing earnings generally leads to a higher stock price and, in some cases, a regular dividend.

When earnings fall short, the market may hammer the stock. Every quarter, companies report earnings. Analysts follow major companies closely and if they fall short of projected earnings, sound the alarm.

While earnings are important, by themselves they don’t tell you anything about how the market values the stock. To begin building a picture of how the stock is valued you need to use some fundamental analysis tools.

Fundamental Analysis Tools
These are the most popular tools of fundamental analysis. They focus on earnings, growth, and value in the market.

Earnings per Share – EPS
Price to Earnings Ratio – P/E
Projected Earning Growth – PEG
Price to Sales – P/S
Price to Book – P/B
Dividend Payout Ratio
Dividend Yield
Book Value
Return on Equity

No single number from this list is a magic bullet that will give you a buy or sell recommendation by itself, however as you begin developing a picture of what you want in a stock, these numbers will become benchmarks to measure the worth of potential investments.

P/E Ratio = Stock Price / Earnings Per Share
(The P/E ratio, which is also referred to as an earnings multiple, is a core measure of a company's stock price in relation to its earnings.)
just went through this page & one thing i noticed that you all did not interpreted the P/E ratio properly

the actual is MktPrice/EPS

So when is MPS is high youe PE will also be hign so if high levels of speculation exists in any stocks like it happened penny stocks then PE is USELESS...

Fundamentals are associated with the economic health of a company, measured in terms of revenues, earnings, assets, liabilities, Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Investments (ROI), growth prospects and cash flows, etc. The fundamentals tell you about a company. You can say a company is having robust fundamentals if it is growing at a nice pace, generating a profit, has limited debts and abundant cash.

The analysis of a company's fundamentals involves getting deep into its financials, rather than day-to-day movement in its share price. Equity researchers normally do fundamental analysis in order to calculate the intrinsic value of a company's stock. If a company's stock is trading above the intrinsic value or fair value, then the stock is overvalued. If a company's stock is trading below the intrinsic value, then the stock is undervalued. However, if you watch the stock markets very closely, the share price of most companies never matches the fair value. Often, day traders and investors who would prefer short term investment options invest in those stocks, regardless of the companies' long term growth prospects. However, long term investors generally prefer to invest in companies with robust fundamentals and ignore near-term share price movements.

The following are various components that constitute a company's fundamentals:

Revenues: Revenues (sales) are the total amount of money received by a company through the sales of its goods and services during a specific period of time. Revenues are one of the most important barometers of the growth of a company as it indicates whether there is demand for their products and services.

Cash flows: Cash flows are calculated by deducting a company's cash payments from cash receipts over a particular period of time. Cash flows indicate the liquidity position of a company. However, one must pay particular attention to the operating cash flows, since the health of the business can be most clearly seen there.

Net income: Net income, which is also called the 'bottom line', is calculated by subtracting from revenue, all of the company's costs, such as operating costs, interest expenses, depreciation, taxes and other expenses associated with running the business.

Balance Sheet: Balance sheet is the company's financial statement, which reflects its assets and liabilities. A company's fundamentals are said to be robust if its assets are significantly higher than the liabilities. However, one must carefully analyze companies who are reporting large intangible assets as they may have questionable liquidation value to offset any real liabilities.

Return on Assets (ROA): ROA is an Indicator of a company's profitability, which is calculated by dividing the net income for the past 12 months by total average assets of the company. This is one of the important indicators, which long-term investors consider before investing into a particular stock.

Although long-term investors and institutional investors consider a company's fundamentals before investing, the share price of a company often does not correspond to the fundamentals - which can present enormous investment opportunities. A company's long-term growth is driven primarily by fundamentals, while a company's share price can be driven by short-term news and investor sentiment, which can be extremely volatile. Every investor must consider a company's fundamentals before investing into its stock if you want to gain stable returns over the long term.

Price to Earnings Ratio – P/E

Projected Earning Growth – PEG

Price to Sales – P/S

Price to Book – P/B

Dividend Payout Ratio

Dividend Yield

Book Value

Return on Equity

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Base from FBM-KLCI chart, we can see that from this situation the market in ranging trend where we can support by FBM_10 from the top 10 most weigh in KLCI index stock.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


We view back to the large frame which the KLCI trend still remain bullish and using the stoch indicator, we can see that the FKLI will rebound soon due to other region index such as Europe and US market keep uptrending. We can concluded that all the market will keep in bullish. Time to have a long for possion between 1150-1165. Let say the KLCI will re-test 1200 level for third times.

Let's get prepare and see the KLCI to break 1200 soon.

I hope this will be a mega and superbull for up coming the trend even alot news saying that this rally just for recovery. But...also this trend will remain at range which between 1000-1200.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Look at the critical resistant point at 1180. We need a strong and confident volume to support this level than only can make long.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

EURUSD Currency

Base from the BB(21days) we can say that the EU at bearish which happened at Sep-2008. This Currency crisis will go further?


After 1 year later of technical skill. we can use the BB(21days) as an idicator to judge the economy definately in bearish and downtrend.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Gold - Jan09

Please have a look for the Gold. now is waiting the triangle whether the direction is up or down trend.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Fundemental of Currency

Major Indicators in foreign currency trading

As we previously discussed in our basic economic indicators and advanced economic indicators articles, economical indicators have much importance when trading forex. National currencies reflect the economic state of their nations. All the economic wealth and changes of a country is represented in its currency. The major economical indicators are a common and good way to track and measure the economical condition of a country. When trading forex you should track after each countries major indicators with meticulousness and careful attention to the nitty-gritty details. Generally there are two types of indicators – those who lead and those who follow. Leading indicators are indicators that change before economical trends and movements begin and in some degree predict them, they are the majority of the major indicators. Following indicators are called lagging indicators and as their name points they change after an economical trend has begun. Below is a list of the major indicators in the world economy.

GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
- The GDP represents the total amount of all the commodities and services created by both local and overseas companies. GDP signifies the rate of growth (or decline) of a country's economy and it is regarded as the most wide-ranging and major indicator of the economic productivity and expansion.

PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) - The Institute for Supply Management, previously named the National Association of Purchasing Managers, releases to the public on a monthly basis a combined directory of the general manufacturing provisions, created from information on new orders made, rate and amount of manufacture, delivery periods by suppliers, accumulations, accounts, charges, employment statistics, amount and size of export and import orders. The index is divided into manufacturing and non-manufacturing groups.

Industrial Production – This is indicator measures the change in the productivity of a nation's factories, mines and service providers. This major indicator also measures their industrialized capability and how much of the available assets and resources are being used by the productive segments of the country. In other words it measures the capability to grow and produce of these sectors. It also measure how much of the factories production capacity is actually being used.

PPI (Producer Price Index)
– This major indicator is a assess of the cost changes in the manufacturing segment. It quantifies middling transformations in vending prices that the local producers in the manufacturing, farming, mining, and electricity industries receive for their production. The producer prices that are used to determine economical effects are usually those of the complete commodities, rudimentary commodities and transitional commodities.

CPI (Consumer Price Index) – This indicator determines the standard level price paid by consumers from urban areas (they present more than 80% of the general populace) for a set basket of commodities and receivable services. It indicates price fluctuations in more than 200 different categories. The CPI also incorporates a variety of consumer charges and tolls that are immediately connected to the costs of particular commodities and services.

ECI (Employment Cost Index)
– This major indicator measures the volume of employment of the nation. The employment estimations are supported by an inspection of the bigger companies and calculate the amount of salaried workers working part-time or permanent jobs in the country's industry, management and governmental organizations.

DGO (Durable Goods Orders) – This major indicator checks the amount and size of new reservations made to local companies for direct and prospect distribution of industrial durable supplies. Durable goods are classified as a product that can be used an extensive amount of time (more than 3 years) throughout which its productivity is comprehensive.

Retail Sales - This report measures the total revenue of vendors, using examples that represent all volumes and types of companies that deal with retail vending all through the country. This major indicator represents consumer spending patterns in a very exact and evenhanded way. The reports are adjusted to holidays and different trading days. The Retail sales indicator includes robust and temporary products traded. The indicator also reflects expunge taxes accompanying the vending of commodities. The indicator excludes taxes taken from the consumer for the purchase of the specific product, by the vendor.

Housing Starts
– This monthly indicator checks the number of residential units that are began their construction in each specific month. This indicator mainly logs private houses and attributes the beginning of the excavation or laying foundations to be the start of the construction. The rate of interest affects housing costs and thus growth a great deal. The housing sector is one of the first markets to react to changes in the national interest rate. When analyzing this indicator you should pay attention to the divergence between to subsequent months, in percentages. The housing starts indicator is released approximately at the middle of the month.

Thomas Green, Editor


Financial statement

Re: 公司基本面

时间: 31-12-2008 03:25 PM

文件夹: 收件箱

来自: chookf

发送到: 分享王

原始短消息: 公司基本面
Hi Chookf 你好。我很想知道怎样看公司年报的?我真对fundemental没什么了解。 如果你能大方教教小弟, 那真的收益不浅。




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